Farmers’ rights were the main topic of discussion at the ITPGRFA meeting.
On the second day of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) Governing Body meeting, the main topic of discussion was still farmers’ rights. The Union Agriculture Ministry said that India supported the creation of an option for the implementation of farmers’ rights.
It also suggests that the capacity of contracting parties needs to be built up in order to use the Global Information System (GIS) for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
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The Centre said that an expert group on farmers’ rights was set up in 2017 with help from India, which also co-chaired the group. ‘India made sure that the group talked even when there was a pandemic, and it put together a list of options and future steps for putting farmers’ rights into effect in any country,’ the release said.
India also pushed for the ITPGRFA to start holding formal meetings again after the formal meetings were stopped in 2019. ‘India and Switzerland held an informal meeting at UN-Geneva and made a document that will be discussed at the ninth meeting of the general body. So, a Contact Group is being set up under the co-chairmanship of India to figure out what will happen next,’ said the release.
India also asked for the GIS on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture to be made easier to use. ‘As a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, India suggested that the capacity of contracting parties needs to be built up in order for GLIS to be used, a press release said.’
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It also said that the country wants to keep working to protect and use plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in a sustainable way. ‘As a member of the Committee on Conservation and Sustainable Use, India proposed joint programmes with international and regional organisations and institutes to carry out this agenda,’ the Centre said.
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