Karnataka farmers planning for more cotton, pulses, and oilseeds in Kharif 2022 sowing.
This Kharif planting season, farmers in Karnataka are bringing in more cotton, pulses, and oilseeds. As Kharif sowing is picking up speed, the amount of land used to grow cotton and sunflowers has doubled by June 10, and the amount of land used to grow pulses like Tur and green gramme has gone up.
According to the Karnataka Agriculture Department, the total area used for Kharif crops was 12.97 lakh ha as of June 10. This is 10% more than the 11.73 lakh ha used for Kharif crops during the same time last year. From January to May, the state got 99% more rain, but in the first ten days of this year’s monsoon season, the total amount of rain fell 19% short of what it should have.
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Up until the end of May, crops like jowar, greengram, blackgram, cowpea, sesamum, sunflower, and cotton were planted on about 3.18 lakh hectares in districts like Chamarajanagar, Mandya, Hassan, Chikkamagalur, Tumkur, Koppal, Ramanagar, Mysuru, and Chitradurga. This was more than the 2.80 lakh ha goal for the time period.
As of June 10, there were 1.21 million hectares of cotton fields, which is more than last year’s 0.59 million ha. The long-staple variety of cotton is planted early in the season in Chamrajanagar, Haveri, and Gadag districts in Karnataka, where farmers have put more land under the fibre crop.
Contrary to what was expected, the amount of land in the state that is used to grow pulses is expected to rise, from 2.66 lakh ha to 3.33 lakh ha. Compared to 0.48 lakh ha, about 0.67 lakh ha have been planted with Tur. Similarly, greengram has been planted in 1.82 lakh ha (1.39 lakh ha). But the area of black gramme has gone down a little to 0.27 lakh ha ( 0.30 lakh ha).
The area used to grow maize was 2.02 lakh ha (2.11 lakh ha), but the total area used to grow cereals was lower at 2.70 lakh ha (3.78 lakh ha). Also Read | IT job to donkey farming, Karnataka Man discovered gold in donkey milk.
Farmers seem to like sunflower and soyabean more and more when it comes to oilseeds. Sunflower land has almost doubled from 0.29 lakh ha to 0.57 lakh ha, and soyabean land has grown from 0.29 lakh ha to 0.47 lakh ha (0.36 lakh ha). The same amount of land (0.26 lakh ha) has been used to plant groundnut as last year.
Compared to 3.66 lakh ha, the sugarcane area is now 3.54 lakh ha, while the tobacco area has grown to 0.71 lakh ha (0.64 lakh ha).
Karnataka wants to grow 97.61 million tonnes of cereal on an area of 35.98 million ha. For pulses, the goal is to grow them on 22.77 million hectares and make 17.19 million tonnes. The state wants to grow 9.37 lakh ha of oilseeds and 7.28 lakh ha of cotton.
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