Farming Millets

PV Satheesh, Millet man, who helped women reinvent self-sustaining agri, died

PV Satheesh, Millet man, who helped women reinvent self-sustaining agri, died

PV Satheesh, Millet man, who helped women reinvent self-sustaining Agri, died

PV Satheesh, 78, who founded the Deccan Development Society (DDS) to help underprivileged women in Telangana’s backward Zahirabad region, died after a brief illness.

The DDS, which he co-founded with like-minded individuals, evidenced that small crops can be profitable.

Over the last four decades, he has greatly helped approximately 3,000 women small farmers in forming village-level’sangams’ (associations). These sangams would discuss crop plans, seed requirements, credit requirements, and produce post-harvest management.

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Focused millets man

He was a strong supporter of small farmers and millet, and he was always arguing that millet should be given more prominence in the food chain. He used his urban contacts to help DDS farmers find markets for their grains.

Every year, the DDS displays the model at the annual Biodiversity Festival, which attracts visitors from India and around the world. ‘His lifetime contribution to mainstreaming millets will be remembered forever,’ DDS said of Satheesh.

DDS women won the prestigious global award Equator prize in 2019 under his leadership. The UN-backed Equator initiative recognises and advances locally sustainable development solutions for people, nature, and resilient communities.

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